Below are selected publications. Please check my Google Scholar, DBLP, or CV for a full list of publications.
Conferences are the top-tier academic publishing venues in computer science and information science (CS/IS). Thus, the majority of my research is published in CS/IS conference proceedings.
* shared first authorship.
Beyond “Vulnerable Populations”: A Unified Understanding of Vulnerability From A Socio-Ecological Perspective
Xinru Tang, Gabriel Lima, Li Jiang, Lucy Simko, Yixin Zou
To appear in Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW)
Digital Security Perceptions and Practices Around the World: A WEIRD Versus Non-WEIRD Comparison
Franziska Herbert*, Collins W. Munyendo*, Jonas Hielscher, Steffen Becker, Yixin Zou
To appear in USENIX Security Symposium
Misalignments and Demographic Differences in Expected and Actual Privacy Settings on Facebook
Byron Lowens, Sean Scarnecchia, Jane Im, Tanisha Afnan, Annie Chen, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2025(1), 456–471
“What are they gonna do with my data?”: Privacy Expectations, Concerns, and Behaviors in Virtual Reality
Abhinaya S.B., Abhishri Agrawal, Yaxing Yao, Yixin Zou, Anupam Das
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2025(1), 58–77
Privacy Perceptions and Behaviors Towards Targeted Advertising on Social Media: A Cross-Country Study on the Effect of Culture and Religion
Smirity Kaushik, Tanusree Sharma, Yaman Yu, Amna F. Ali, Bart Piet Knijnenburg, Yang Wang, Yixin Zou
To appear in Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs)
Lay Perceptions of Algorithmic Discrimination in the Context of Systemic Injustice
Gabriel Lima, Nina Grgić-Hlača, Markus Langer Yixin Zou
To appear in ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
"Auntie, Please Don’t Fall for Those Smooth Talkers": How Chinese Younger Family Members Safeguard Seniors from Online Fraud
Yue Deng, Changyang He, Yixin Zou, Bo Li
To appear in ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
Encouraging Users to Change Breached Passwords Using the Protection Motivation Theory
Yixin Zou, Khue Le, Peter Mayer, Alessandro Acquisti, Adam Aviv, Florian Schaub
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 31(5), 63:1–63:45
Unfulfilled Promises of Child Safety and Privacy: Portrayals and Use of Children in Smart Home Marketing
Kaiwen Sun, Jingjie Li, Yixin Zou, Jenny Radesky, Christopher Brooks, Florian Schaub
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 8(CSCW1), 145:1–145:29
Cross-Contextual Examination of Older Adults' Privacy Concerns, Behaviors, and Vulnerabilities
Yixin Zou, Kaiwen Sun, Tanisha Afnan, Ruba Abu-Salma, Robin Brewer, Florian Schaub
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2024(1), 133–150
Explainability as a Requirement for Hardware: Introducing Explainable Hardware (XHW)
Timo Speith, Julian Speith, Steffen Becker, Yixin Zou, Asia Biega, Christof Paar
IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), RE@Next! track, 354–362
Digital Security — A Question of Perspective. A Large-Scale Telephone Survey with Four At-Risk User Groups
Franziska Herbert, Steffen Becker, Annalina Buckmann, Marvin Kowalewski, Jonas Hielscher, Yasemin Acar, Markus Dürmuth, Yixin Zou, Angela Sasse
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Oakland), 27:1–27:19
Awareness, Intention, (In)Action: Individuals' Reactions to Data Breaches
Peter Mayer, Yixin Zou, Byron Lowens, Hunter Dyer, Khue Le, Florian Schaub, Adam Aviv
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI), 30(5), 77:1–77:53
Understanding and Improving Consumers' Adoption of Online Privacy-Protective Behaviors
ACM SIGCHI Outstanding Dissertation Award
Yixin Zou
PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan School of Information
Aunties, Strangers, and the FBI: Online Privacy Concerns and Experiences of Muslim-American Women
Tanisha Afnan, Yixin Zou, Maryam Mustafa, Mustafa Naseem, Florian Schaub
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 387–406
Trauma-Informed Computing: Towards Safer Technology Experiences for All
Janet Chen*, Allison McDonald*, Yixin Zou*, Emily Tseng, Kevin Roundy, Acar Tamersoy, Florian Schaub, Thomas Ristenpart, Nicola Dell
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 544:1–544:20
Child Safety in the Smart Home: Parents' Perceptions, Needs, and Mitigation Strategies
Kaiwen Sun, Yixin Zou, Jenny Radesky, Christopher Brooks, Florian Schaub
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 5(CSCW2), 471:1–471:41
The Role of Computer Security Customer Support in Helping Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence
Yixin Zou, Allison McDonald, Julia Narakornpichit, Nicola Dell, Thomas Ristenpart, Kevin Roundy, Florian Schaub, Acar Tamersoy
USENIX Security Symposium, 429–446
"Now I'm a bit angry:" Individuals' Awareness, Perception, and Responses to Data Breaches that Affected Them
Peter Mayer*, Yixin Zou*, Florian Schaub, Adam Aviv
USENIX Security Symposium, 393–410
Toggles, Dollar Signs, and Triangles: How to (In)Effectively Convey Privacy Choices with Icons and Link Texts
Hana Habib*, Yixin Zou*, Yaxing Yao, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Joel Reidenberg, Norman Sadeh, Florian Schaub
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 63:1–63:25
Examining the Adoption and Abandonment of Security, Privacy, and Identity Theft Protection Practices
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Yixin Zou, Kevin Roundy, Acar Tamersoy, Saurabh Shintre, Johann Roturier, Florian Schaub
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 443:1–443:15
"It's a scavenger hunt": Usability of Websites' Opt-Out and Data Deletion Choices
Hana Habib, Sarah Pearman, Jiamin Wang, Yixin Zou, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh, Florian Schaub
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 384:1–384:12
Listen Only When Spoken To: Interpersonal Communication Cues as Smart Speaker Privacy Controls
Abraham H. Mhaidli, Manikandan Venkatesh, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub
Proceedings on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PoPETs), 2020(2), 251-270
"We Can't Live Without Them!" App Developers' Adoption of Ad Networks and Their Considerations of Consumer Risks
Abraham H. Mhaidli, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 225–244
An Empirical Analysis of Data Deletion and Opt-Out Choices on 150 Websites
Hana Habib, Yixin Zou, Aditi Jannu, Neha Sridhar, Chelse Swoopes, Alessandro Acquisti, Lorrie Faith Cranor, Norman Sadeh, Florian Schaub
Symposium On Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS), 387–406
You 'Might' Be Affected: An Empirical Analysis of Readability and Usability Issues in Data Breach Notifications
Yixin Zou, Shawn Danino, Kaiwen Sun, Florian Schaub
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 194:1–194:14
Put Your Warning Where Your Link Is: Improving and Evaluating Email Phishing Warnings
Best Paper Honorable Mention
Justin Petelka, Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI), 518:1–518:15
Beyond Mandatory: Making Data Breach Notifications Useful for Consumers
Yixin Zou, Florian Schaub
IEEE Security & Privacy Magazine, 17(2), 67-72